Now that the world is opening up again and some of us might be going back to the office soon, we need to find ways to get back into the rhythm of productivity and energy in a setting that’s outside of our homes. One of the ways to do this is by making your office feel more like home by designing it in a way that makes you feel good and reminds you of who you are. If you want your office to be less basic and more like you, here are some design tips to let your unique personality shine through.
Think of your office as your home away from home
Remember how much you had to adjust when you had to transition to a work-from-home setup? Think of how easy it was because you were doing work things in the place you’re most comfortable—your home. Now that you may no longer have that convenience, you need to find ways to turn your office into your home away from home.
If your company allows it, consider bringing your personal items to your office. If it provides emotional support, like a cute stuffed animal or a cozy blanket, all the better. Personal artifacts like a scented candle or framed photos of your loved ones will help humanize an otherwise dreary and basic space, and seeing something that brings warmth to your soul can help you escape the stress of your day-to-day work life, even if only for a few minutes.
Choose design concepts that inspire and motivate you
Gone are the days of having to buy architectural magazines to gain interior design inspiration. With just a click of a finger, you have access to platforms like Pinterest to help you find an office design that makes your heart come alive and looks good to you. Here are some trendy design concepts and themes you can play with when thinking of investing in new pieces and items for your office:
- Find a common thread for your entire office, whether a separate room or just a desk. The common denominator can be a color, shape, or texture—find one element that can help bring a sense of cohesion to your entire workspace.
- To bring a sense of modernity and strength to your space, consider investing in industrial office furniture. These pieces are usually made of materials like wood and metal. They often come in earthy and rich tones, giving your space a more utilitarian, raw, stylish, and handcrafted atmosphere. These pieces look particularly excellent with brick walls, so if your office has these rich, warm tones and textures, industrial furniture pieces might be your best bet.
- On the other hand, if your office mostly has warm white walls, remember that neutral does not have to mean basic. You can embrace cleanliness and neutrality without sacrificing character and depth. Add a dash of color to your desk or office by incorporating a statement chair or some throws with interesting patterns. You can also break up the neutral color palette by adding indoor plants and interesting area rugs to your space.
Prioritize comfort
If your office is to be your second home, then don’t treat it like a showpiece. Center your design decisions around maximum comfort. Don’t fall into the lie that comfort has to mean ugly design. Form and function can work together; it doesn’t have to be either-or.
Make sure whatever furniture you invest in is good for your back, especially your office chair. When deciding on your desk, computers, and phone placement, make sure to follow the basic rules of office ergonomics to protect your spinal health. The same goes for all the other furniture pieces in your office, from the sofa to the coffee table.
Let the design speak for you and your company
If your work involves accommodating clients or customers in your main office, then don’t forget to consider what your office design will communicate about your company, brand, and service. If you have a passion for your industry, this passion must shine through in the furniture pieces and design elements you choose for the space. Your personal touches will help your employees, co-workers, and clients get to know you, too, and you get to control which information you want them to know about you.
How your office is designed can make or break your energy and motivation levels, so make sure to put in the same amount of effort and investment you did with your home office. Good luck!