There are times when you feel so stressed out that you don’t feel like doing anything at all. You refuse to go out of bed, go to work, or even eat a healthy breakfast. All you want is to lie down and sleep all day, even if your tasks are quickly piling up. If you don’t find ways to relieve yourself of stress, then the chances of your mental health suffering keep on increasing.
One great way to relieve stress is through exercise. Time and time again, we are told that physical activity has direct stress-relieving benefits. It helps boost the production of endorphins, which are your happy hormones.
When endorphins are released, you feel happier and in a better mood. You get to focus better and enjoy that more positive feeling. But if you are not going to the gym or running at the park to relieve stress, where are fun stress-relieving ideas you have got to try.
Try a Boxing Class
Not many of us are into boxing. Many are afraid to get hit by another amateur boxer who recently learned the ropes of boxing. But in reality, this physical activity can be fun and motivating at the same time.
Do you know that many famous people are using boxing to relieve stress and improve their health and physique? You will be surprised that even famous models like Gigi Hadid and Adriana Lima are into boxing. It is a great way to release some aggression and keep your whole body moving.
Many think that boxing is just an arm workout. But if done the right way, this can actually be a great whole body workout. Know that the right boxing workout will depend on your goals.
If you plan on trying out a boxing class, be sure you already know what to expect before going up in the ring. For one, you need the right gear to ensure your safety. This includes your hand wraps, a well-fitted headgear, and of course, your own mouthguard for boxing.
Treat Yourself to a Mini-vacation
Can’t afford to go on long vacations? Is your break literally just your days off? Then why not go on a mini-vacation?
Sure, a week-long vacation would be a dream come true. But for most people, they don’t have the time and budget to go on a holiday break. If this is your case, know that you can always go for a mini-vacation.
You don’t need to buy a plane ticket, visit other destinations, or choose the most expensive experiences to make the most out of your mini-vacation. Even a simple walk to the park, driving to the beach, or going to your favorite secret hangout will do. The secret is using our minds to go on a vacation and physically separate ourselves from our daily stressors.
Choose a location that makes you smile and makes you relieve happy memories. Do something relaxing like reading a book, taking a nap on a picnic blanket, or enjoying a nice snack. Tell yourself that you deserve a break sometimes, and this is one of those times.
Try Baking or Cooking
Many people tend to go binge-eating when they are feeling stressed. They would buy their favorite comfort foods, which are usually sweets and fatty food items. But since these are nowhere healthy, your best choice is to cook or bake your own food to ensure the quality.
Cooking and baking your food brings awareness. You become more conscious of what you put into your body. The tendency is that you try to choose healthier food options.
Baking and cooking help you make use of your five senses. It satisfies your sense of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. Such activities can help take your attention away from your stressors into something more productive.
When you successfully cook or bake something, you get that sense of accomplishment. As you cook and bake more often, your confidence grows. You learn through trial and error and how each of your actions can turn into results.
Consider Improving Your Sleep Hygiene
Some of us are stressed out during the day because we did not sleep soundly each night. It is either we stay up late because we can’t sleep, or we slept too long but still feel tired the next day. Having better sleep hygiene will improve your sleep and help you ease your stress the next day.
You can start by making the necessary changes to your bedroom. Remove distractions and keep it clean and cool. Avoid using gadgets at least an hour before bedtime and be consistent to experience better results.
Ignoring your stressors is indeed the best way to prevent stress. But once you come across your stressors, only you have the power to manage your stress. Use this time to take better care of yourself and think of ways to reduce your stress levels the healthy way.