There’s something about running water that helps to ease the mind and lessen stress. Take a look around your property and consider how you could add something that would make your outdoor space more relaxing and inviting. To help you get started, here are four ideas for outdoor water features that might appeal to you.
A Beautiful Fish Pond
Perhaps you like the idea of adding a small fish pond to the backyard landscaping. In order to replicate the feel of a natural pond, you might want to include some type of pump and a spout that helps to keep the water moving. Add in some natural elements, stock the pond with goldfish, and you’re set.
It won’t hurt if the spout is camouflaged with stones that allows the water to cascade downward into the pond. You can bet listening to the water gurgle and watching the fish swim will help take the stress out of the day.
Cascading Water at the Shallow End of the Pool
Maybe your back yard already sports a pool. You can add something to it by incorporating a decorative spout at one end. If you opt for a spout at the shallow end, it can be a great place to rinse off as well as prepare to swim.
Consider decorative spouts that add another visual touch to the pool area. For example, a lion with an open mouth for the spout would be a decorative as well as a practical addition.
Your Own Private Outdoor Shower
Do you like working out in the back yard? Maybe you do a lot of gardening. In either case, you will perspire quite a bit. While you could go inside for a shower after those activities, why not make shower while you’re still outside?
Assuming you have a privacy fence, it would be fine to add an outdoor shower head and enjoy cleaning up while also making the most of the sunshine. If you like, you could even relax by your pool with something cold to drink while the sun takes care of drying you off. For these types of outdoor water features, go with something decorative to hide the shower head for additional visual appeal.
A Graceful Fountain
Fountains are another idea you may want to consider for the back yard. The fountains can be constructed using all sorts of materials, ranging from masonry to pottery to stones. There’s some type of spout built into the fountain that makes it easy for water to gracefully flow down the structure into a tiny pool of water. Make sure the water is circulated back so that it can emerge through the spout again and create a continuous effect. You’ll find the sound as well as the sight to be a great way to let go of stress at the end of the day.
There are other ways you can incorporate various water features into your landscaping. Consider what elements would help enhance the space and make it more appealing for you and your family. It won’t take long until you come up with an idea that’s just right.